Return stream network downstream of provided location
Provided a point (as x,y coordinates and EPSG code), return the point indexed (snapped) to nearest stream(s) within specified tolerance (m)
Return a point on the stream network based on the location provided by blue_line_key and downstream_route_measure
Return a table (index, measure, geom), representing points along a stream between specified locations at specified interval
Return stream network upstream of provided location
Provided a location as blue_line_key and downstream_route_measure, return the entire watershed boundary upstream of the location
Provided a location as blue_line_key and downstream_route_measure, return a 25m hexagon grid covering first order watershed in which location lies
Provided a location as blue_line_key and downstream_route_measure, return stream segments upstream, within the same first order watershed.
Return aggregated boundary of all hydroshed polygons upstream of the provided location